Monday, February 22, 2010

Charlton Action-Hero Poll!

The Pick your Favorite Charlton Action-Hero Poll running here for the past week is now closed. Here are the results.

Blue Beetle = 57%

Judomaster = 28%

Captain Atom = 14%

Thunderbolt = 0%

Peacemaker = 0%

Blue Beetle is the clear winner. There's no doubt that Steve Ditko's revision of that character really turned the corner for him. He's a sleek and modern hero, even today. I was happy that my own choice Judomaster eeked out a second place finish against these other worthies. I feel a bit badly for Captain Atom with his meager showing, though not as badly as I feel for T-Bolt and Peacemaker who got no votes at all.

I won't pretend this poll was anything other than a conversation starter, with its tiny sampling. But I really do think in a larger canvas that BB would likely win again, though I suspect Atom might well come in second. Otherwise, I think the poll would be pretty much as it is.

The Charlton Action-Heroes are no doubt best known these days as the templates for Alan Mooore's Watchmen. That's Captain Atom as Doc Manhattan, Blue Beetle as Nite Owl, Comedian as Peacemaker, Thunderbolt as Ozymandias, and poor Judomaster left out entirely. The success of the Watchmen shows what tough materials the Action-Heroes are made of, if properly handled. It's a pity it has so rarely been done since their migration to DC.

Rip Off

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